Michelle Marsh Clinical Psychology Services
Clinical Psychologist
Child Therapy
Michelle provides play-based clinical therapy to children which addresses a range of developmental, behavioural and emotional difficulties including anxiety, depression, problems with regulation, concentration and attention challenges, sleep disturbances and problems with relationships. Intervention is child-focussed, taking a holistic approach to consider multiple contributing factors to any concern. Michelle works closely with parents and if necessary other siblings looking at the whole family and ways to bring about change.
Parenting Challenges
Michelle also provides services to parents and families to understand difficulties and to work collaboratively to build attachment and relationships within family systems.
Perinatal Therapy
Michelle works with parents experiencing difficulties with their pathway to parenthood, including postnatal adjustment, anxieties and mood disorders. Parent-infant psychotherapy is available to enhance the relationship between mothers, fathers and their baby during the critical early months.
Michelle is a Board Approved Supervisor and provides clinical supervision to newly qualified Clinical Psychology Registrars and Provisionally Registered Psychologists.

About Michelle Marsh
Michelle Marsh is a member of the College of Clinical Psychologists and has over 25 years experience working directly with clients privately and within State and Commonwealth Departments. She currently is contracted to Government Departments to provide direct client services.